All songs are available on bandcamp in various formats up to FLAC. Of course shops all over the world sell songs, start at amazon music, Apple Music etc. Please also consider buying a retail CD.
All full albums are available on countless streaming sites. Literally too many to list. Keep in mind that some EPs and singles are exclusive releases for and can only be listened to / purchased there.
My channel @shorerocks offers all official videos, also playlists for Sven Horlemannand HIGH ROAD EASY. Plus a live in the studio series, the odd gear review, blogs, lyric videos… you name it.
SVEN HORLEMANNartist :: producer :: songwriter
guitar driven rock. all flavors.
You love of rock music? Me too! As a studied musicologist I enjoy a broad musical taste ranging from rock / pop / metal to classical music. I even got a feature in Germany‘s Guitar Bible Gitarre & Bass.This page features my solo work. For HIGH ROAD EASY, please go >> here<<.
DIRECT LINKS: click on album below
A big thank you goes out to
Andy Sachs, Jan Knopf, Udo & Lena Maurer, Klaus Schmuck, Axel Gillhausen, Volker Schäfer… and to my favorite drummer Magnus Brandell.
Solo works :: DISCOGRAPHY
Full album releases are available worldwide as retail CDs, stream & download distributed via CD Baby. All solo releases are available digitally at bandcamp, including booklet, lyrics and pictures. Why bandcamp?First, because PLINI uses it. Secondly, it is fair payment for the artist. Thirdly, you can freely chose between MP3, FLAC, ALAC, AAC, Ogg Vorbis, WAV and AIFF formats - all available for the same price!Also you can listen to full songs before you buy (no subscription needed), and I made exclusive content available, this is a no-brainer for independant artists.
“To me music is about personal expression. It‘s about how you
feel. It‘s not about how technical efficient you are.”
Eddie van Halen (1995 radio interview)
TargetEagleisthefirstbandIformed, 20yearsold,in1986.Hookingupwith othermusiciansintroducedmetomy longtime friend Andy Sachs (bass).Inthe80sinstrumentalshredalbumswherethething,so‚whynotdoone myself?‘Ithought.Producedbymy mentor,WolfgangRoch,Ireleaseda solodemotointernationalpraisein 1987. On cassette, of all things…AfteranexcitingphasewritingsongswithPeterWinterforaBMG/Ariola pitchIformedChangesin1991withPeter ‚Zegge‘ Zechiel(bass,vocals)and Georg Schanze (drums). Changesstartedasaprogressive powertriobutbecamemore accessibleaddingsingerMichael ‚Watz‘Waidelichin1992.Theline-up wascompletedbyWillySchmitz(bass) and Torsten Daul (drums).1995IwasinvitedbybassplayerNorbertDreiklufttoasessionthatledto theformationofThreeMileSmile.TogetherwithEboRock(voc,gt)and AndreasEngels(drums)wewere offeringmorealternativeoriented rock. 1997thecollaborationwithKlaus Schmuckstarted,firstinJerryCan, later in the hard rocking Ocean Bed, releasing several CDs worldwideIn 2002 I also re-started my solo recordings - see discography below. HIGHROADEASYwasfoundedin2008.Iwasfinallyabletojoinforceswith power house singer Jan Knopf. TothisdayHIGHROADEASYreleased4 fulllengthrecords.Formoreinfoplease visit
All songs are available on bandcamp in various formats up to FLAC. Of course shops all over the world sell songs, start at amazon music, Apple Music etc. Please also consider buying a retail CD.
All full albums are available on countless streaming sites. Literally too many to list. Keep in mind that some EPs and singles are exclusive releases for and can only be listened to / purchased there.
My channel @shorerocks offers all official videos, also playlists for Sven Horlemannand HIGH ROAD EASY. Plus a live in the studio series, the odd gear review, blogs, lyric videos… you name it.
SVEN HORLEMANNartist :: producer :: songwriter
guitar driven rock. all flavors.
You love of rock music? Me too! As a studied musicologist I enjoy a broad musical taste ranging from rock / pop / metal to classical music. I even got a feature in Germany‘s Gitarre & Bass.This page features my solo work. For HIGH ROAD EASY, please go >> here<<.
DIRECT LINKS: click on album below
A big thank you goes out to
Andy Sachs, Jan Knopf, Udo & Lena Maurer, Klaus Schmuck, Axel Gillhausen, Volker Schäfer… and to my favorite drummer Magnus Brandell.
Solo works :: DISCOGRAPHY
Full album releases are available worldwide as retail CDs, stream & download distributed via CD Baby. All solo releases are available digitally at bandcamp, including booklet, lyrics and pictures. Why bandcamp?First, because PLINI uses it. Secondly, it is fair payment for the artist. Thirdly, you can freely chose between MP3, FLAC, ALAC, AAC, Ogg Vorbis, WAV and AIFF formats - all available for the same price!Also you can listen to full songs before you buy (no subscription needed), and I made exclusive content available, this is a no-brainer for independant artists.
TARGETEAGLEisthefirstnotablebandIformedwithmymentor WolfgangRoch,backin1986.Inthe80‘sinstrumentalshredalbums wherethething,so‚whynotdoonemyself?‘,Ithought.Producedby Wolfgang,itwasthefirstSVENHORLEMANNreleasetobepublished in 1987 to international praise.SingerPETERWINTERhadinterestbyBMG/Ariola,andIwas recommendedtojoin.Weworkedonsongs,intheendPeterended up doing a pro demo using PINK CREAM 69 as his studio band.1991Icontinuedtostudymusicology,andfreeofcommercial aspects,formedtheprogressiverocktrioCHANGESwithZegge ZechielandGeorgSchanze.Wehadfun,playedgreatgigs,but ultimately everyone moved on. Endof1992CHANGESconsistedofsuperbsingerMichaelWaidelich, WillySchmitzonbassandTorstenDaulondrums.Thisincarnationof CHANGESfurtherimprovedmysongs,takingtheprogressiveideas andmanagetofusethemtomelodicrocksongstheaveragelisteners can enjoy, too.1995Iwasaskedtojoinanewband,whichbecameTHREEMILE SMILE.LedbysingerEboRockwewereofferingmorealternative oriented rock. 1997thecollaborationwithKLAUSSCHMUCKstarted,first supportinghiminJERRYCAN,lateralsoformingthehardrocking OCEAN BED.2002Iwasmoreandmoreinterestedinrecording,mixingand producing. Therefore it made sence to restart my solo recordings. 2008IjoinedforceswithpowerhousesingerJANKNOPFforming HIGHROADEASY.Asoftodaywereleased4fulllengthrecords,our latest in 2020.